We view our employees as our greatest asset and we value the contributions they make to our company and our clients. Our team consists of the best and brightest professionals that come to us from across the financial services industry. Their knowledge and combined experience is what sets our company apart from the rest of the field.
We pride ourselves in working with clients in a considerate, compassionate manner and we take all the time necessary to help them understand their current situation and the various options available to them to deal with a challenging financial situation.

Damien is a corporate negotiator having acted in negotiations with combined portfolios value in excess of $2.2 billion. This has brought with it a wealth of experience in dealing with complex and difficult commercial matters.
His clients have included public and private companies, as well as high net worth individuals. The span of matters has included negotiating with multinational companies, government bodies, as well as public listed and unlisted companies. His inclination is to reduce problems down to their most elemental construct in order to understand and negotiate outcome.
Complimenting his experience in the financial services sector, Damien has acted for clients in a diverse range of sectors including, Superannuation, Music Industry, Large Agricultural Operations, Mining, Construction, Life Insurance, Commercial Leases, Managed Investment Schemes and Outstanding debts.

Paul is the principal of the Brisbane based legal firm Davis Lawyers. A solicitor since 1987, Paul has practised in the areas of property law, banking & finance, rural industries, mining and acquisitions and mergers.
With legal experience in main stream banking, financial institutions, a variety of private lenders and as a property developer in his own right, Paul brings a wealth of experience in assessing and documenting property based transactions and enforcement.